How long will each session be?

Individual therapy sessions are 50 minutes each. The initial meeting may go slighter longer in order to gain all necessary information to determine if I am the right therapist for you.

How long will I be in therapy?

The length of time you are in therapy is dependent upon your goals and needs. Some people come into therapy to work through a specific issues and find a few sessions is all that is needed, while other people find they benefit most from weekly sessions over a longer period of time. I will check in with you regularly to make sure you feel that we are on the right track and are accomplishing the goals you came in to meet.

Is there parking near your office?

Yes- street parking is plentiful, but please be prepared to pay the meters. If you cannot find parking on the street, there are many parking garages (ex. 500 Davis Street) in close proximity. If you prefer, the purple line train has a Davis Street stop that is in walking distance to my suite.

Will my sessions be confidential?

The information you disclose in therapy is confidential unless you provide me with written permission to do otherwise. There are rare instances in which I would be legally obligated to reveal shared information. These circumstances are outlined below:

  1. You are in imminent danger of harming yourself or someone else
  2. If you reveal current child or elder abuse

If either of the above are met, I will make every effort to discuss it with you before taking necessary action.


Dara M. Weil, Psy.D., LLC logo | Therapist in Evanston, IL

600 E Davis St, Suite 3E
Evanston, IL 60201

(312) 458-9258 x2

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